Frequently Asked Questions
What area do you cover?
We are based in Buxton and serve the wider High Peak and surrounding area.
What do you Offer?
We assess the individual needs of everybody referred. There might be a simple solution, e.g. providing transport to a friend's home. Where appropriate, we signpost to statutory provision. The core service offered by HPHH is emergency overnight accommodation for homeless people.
Other options include the loan-a-tent scheme and our harsh-weather provision.
Who can refer?
HPHH accepts referrals from agencies who work with people, such as Citizens Advice Bureaux, Schools, Churches and local voluntary groups. A condition of referral is that there is a plan in place for continued support for the service user the following morning. Referrals are taken over the phone. There will be a short Risk Assessment so the referrer must be with the service user to do this. Generally we are unable to take referrals directly from individuals but are happy to give advice over the phone about the best agency to go to which can make the referral on their behalf. In exceptional circumstances self-referrals will be accepted but references will need to be undertaken before a placement can be made.
How much does it Cost?
Thanks to the generosity of our supporters there is currently no charge to agencies or service users of this service. However, since we rely on donations and grants to maintain the service we hope you will consider supporting us. Find out more at our Want to Help? page.
Can you provide emergency food?
If you need help with food please contact High Peak Foodbank or come along to Waste Not Want Not at the United Reformed Church from 10 am to 12 noon, Monday to Saturday.
I have another question, not covered here
If you are unsure about anything relating to our service; If you want someone to come and talk to your group about the work of High Peak Homelss Help, or you have any other queries, please contact our project co-ordintor Catherine Sterndale on 07973 670595