We can help with food and use of computer or telephone. Never be afraid to ask for help and support. We may not have all the answers but we can help you find them for yourself. Drop-in sessions are available where you can use our facilities, explore your options and socialise
Even if we are unable to provide emergency accommodation, we may be able to help you find a temporary solution.
For help with emergency accommodation please contact:
Referral Phone: 07908 008016
or email: hphomelessshelp@yahoo.com
High Peak Homeless Help, United Reformed Church,
Hardwick Square East, Buxton SK17 6PT
(vistors by appointment only)
Emergency Food
If you need emergency food please contact High Peak Foodbank on 07977 618232
or visit www.highpeakfoodbank.co.uk or come along to Waste Not Want Not at the United Reformed Church from 10 am to 12 noon, Monday to Saturday
Emergency Accommodation
If you need help finding accommodation in an emergency please call us on our Referral Phone: 07973 670595
or email: hphomelessshelp@yahoo.com
Ideally you need to be referred by an agency such as Social Care, Citizen's Advice Bureau, School, Church, GP or Housing Association etc. Call us if you're not sure what to do.
We can also offer tenancy support if you are having problems with rented accommodation.
If you are aged over 16 years, we may be able to provide Bed and Breakfast accommodation (one night at a time) or a tent on a secure site.